Grab your FREE monthly magazine from IntimacyTV where we cover a range of hot, sensitive and taboo topics of Love, Sex, Dating & Relationships
May is the Celebration of Women!
It also includes
Masturbation month (woooohoooo bring on those Big O’s!!!)
No Pants Day on 6th May so let the freeballing and airing out of our Yoni and Lingham’s start
and of course
Mothers Day on the 8th May where we stop to appreciate the women that brought us into the world because lets face it, no woman no us!
The jugglers of today are our women who hold down a job, run a household, look after children and attempt to nurture themselves. This last part unfortunately is missed most of the time. So ladies, grab your iPad, a glass of bubbles, run a bath and lay back (maybe with your favourite buzz friend) while you read through a bunch of articles that will entice you, question you, challenge you and remind you that your lioness, hunter/gatherer survivor in you needs to be celebrated by nurturing YOU!
I would like to send a huge thank you to IntimacyTV original co-founders Patty-Ann Waho and Jane Nguyen.
Our professional lives have taken us all into different directions. Patty has followed her journey to Las Vegas with her stand-up show The Vjay-Jay Diaries and shown us the lighter side of awkward sexual encounters and Jane entered motherhood for the first time. Both mothers have decided to go their own way and chase their dreams and desires of one-on-one coaching combined with their family responsibilities. The IntimacyTV team wish them smooth sailing on their journey.
IntimacyTV is excited to continue to explore everything connected to the taboo topics of life. For those discussions and videos on the more sensitive nature we have created a PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP so we do not have our account shut down. We would love you to enjoy the privacy and discussions so JOIN TODAY with this link:
Join our professional this month as they navigate topics on:
– Body/Self Love
– Owning a Baby Tribe and surviving
– The controversy of breast-feeding till your little one is 4 years
– The Madonna Complex
– Beating Menopause
– Shame and Sexuality with Group Play
And much more…
So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month
IntimacyTV Magazine focuses on tackling everyday hot and sensitive issues regarding dating, love, sex and relationships. IntimacyTV Magazine is published monthly and is available to free of charge to readers. If you would like to receive a copy of the magazine, please email us your details.
All material in this magazine is subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced in part or full without written permission from the editor. By submitting an unsolicited contribution or you are invited to contribute by us to IntimacyTV Magazine, you agree to provide us with a license to reproduce your material, including images, in print and electronic media with the right to edit written material. Articles and advertisements express the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily those of IntimacyTV Magazine or IntimacyTV Partnership.
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Grab your FREE monthly magazine from IntimacyTV where we cover a range of hot, sensitive and taboo topics of Love, Sex, Dating & Relationships