Grab your FREE monthly magazine from IntimacyTV where we cover a range of hot, sensitive and taboo topics of Love, Sex, Dating & Relationships
Intimacy TV Magazine September 18
10 September is World SUICIDE Prevention Day so here at IntimacyTV we felt it was important this year to do a magazine all things Men.
Here is the deal, we always look at the same old boring methods to deal with our issues with the same shitty outcome. So this month lets explore some great Male coaches, mentors, experts, groups and as I say…STOP playing Rinse & Repeat. If you do the same thing you get the same outcome!
Jam packed with Hints and Tips, Raw conversations, Alternate methods to deal with Anxiety, Depression, Suicide Prevention, Health, Dating, Love & Relationships.
So IntimacyTV brings you September the month of All Things Men.
Its all about;
- Dating Survival Tips
- Male Vulnerability
- The way to a Man’s Heart
- What Men Crave
- Suicide Prevention
So strap in for an unique education and raw conversation. SURRENDER TO THE UNKNOWN KNOWLEDEGE and embrace the new!
Intimacy TV Magazine August 18
I’m not sure who got to see the amazing Solar Eclipse last week but it was simply spectacular!
They are some of the most dramatic tools that the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life that need to change, shake us out of our feelings and shine a ray of truth to question your old habits and behaviours to move forward. Eclipses bring news of life’s big events and want us to change, and change we do!
So the major themes of this eclipse and month will be thinking, contemplation, deliberation, discussion and debate.
So IntimacyTV brings you August the month of Inspiration.
Its all about;
* Bucket Lists
* Reigniting Sparks
* Starting a New
* Putting yourself out there again
* Finding alternate Healing methods
and being GRATEFUL!
So strap in for an awesome ride. Don’t fight it, SURRENDER TO THE CHANGE and let go!
Intimacy TV Magazine July 18
With the winter blues trying to kick into gear we enter into what can be your new incredible journey brought on by the new financial year.
Whenever we reach July I like to reflect on what’s happened in that year and simply say “Goodbye” to what was old and “Hello!” to what can be.
With this exciting new moon in Capricorn easing us into the new financial year we celebrate its Powerhouse as it connects you to manifesting, ambition, and goals. So drop the ‘stories’ of the old and start embracing huge energy shift that activates deep inner healing, brings closure, encourages transformation, and ultimately assists us with our personal evolution.
July we look at The Powerhouse that makes up us as humans offering
– Second chances
– The possibilities of Starting Over with the discovery of polarity between the sexes
– Reflections on what you really desire
– Gratitude for who is in your life
– How to step up and appreciate them correctly
– Owning your ‘O’s’ by being Authentic in the bedroom
So for those that keep wanting more make sure you circle your calendar for
– World kissing day on the 6th
– definately enjoy your Big ‘O’ on the 31st for Orgasm day;)
Intimacy TV Magazine June 18
With the month of May and the flowing of gratitude for all women who have birthed us, fed us, nurtured us, guided us and loved us we move into the last month of the Financial Year and THE GREAT UNKNOWN. June is a great month to reflect on the old and prepare for the future. IntimacyTV has finished its first month solo and excited to look forward to all things NEW with EXCLUSIVE OFFERS starting in the new financial year so make sure your signed up so you never miss out NOW
This month we navigate some HOT CONTRAVERSIAL TOPICS with one of the biggest viral articles of the month on asking
* Consent to change a nappy on your baby
* Followed by an interesting perspective on Bullying in the 80’s vs 20’s
* How to change the Dry Spell in The bedroom
* all the way to the bottom…literally…with Anal !!
So strap on in as we cover all the biggest taboo topics in JUNE.
Intimacy TV Magazine May 18
May is the Celebration of Women!
It also includes
Masturbation month (woooohoooo bring on those Big O’s!!!)
No Pants Day on 6th May so let the freeballing and airing out of our Yoni and Lingham’s start
and of course
Mothers Day on the 8th May where we stop to appreciate the women that brought us into the world because lets face it, no woman no us!
The jugglers of today are our women who hold down a job, run a household, look after children and attempt to nurture themselves. This last part unfortunately is missed most of the time. So ladies, grab your iPad, a glass of bubbles, run a bath and lay back (maybe with your favourite buzz friend) while you read through a bunch of articles that will entice you, question you, challenge you and remind you that your lioness, hunter/gatherer survivor in you needs to be celebrated by nurturing YOU!
I would like to send a huge thank you to IntimacyTV original co-founders Patty-Ann Waho and Jane Nguyen.
Our professional lives have taken us all into different directions. Patty has followed her journey to Las Vegas with her stand-up show The Vjay-Jay Diaries and shown us the lighter side of awkward sexual encounters and Jane entered motherhood for the first time. Both mothers have decided to go their own way and chase their dreams and desires of one-on-one coaching combined with their family responsibilities. The IntimacyTV team wish them smooth sailing on their journey.
IntimacyTV is excited to continue to explore everything connected to the taboo topics of life. For those discussions and videos on the more sensitive nature we have created a PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP so we do not have our account shut down. We would love you to enjoy the privacy and discussions so JOIN TODAY with this link: http://bit.do/efXFm
Join our professional this month as they navigate topics on:
– Body/Self Love
– Owning a Baby Tribe and surviving
– The controversy of breast-feeding till your little one is 4 years
– The Madonna Complex
– Beating Menopause
– Shame and Sexuality with Group Play
And much more…
So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month bit.ly/intimacytvmagazines
Intimacy TV Magazine April 18
We hope you have all enjoyed the endless parties connected to Mardi Gras and survived the mounds of chocolate the Easter Bunny delivered to finish the month of March off with a bang!
The month of April is a lot more sedate starting it off with school holidays and finishing it off with the celebration of the nation remembering our men who fought for our freedom with Anzac Day on 25th.
In light of this we decided to celebrate April with reflections of all that comes with Growth & Learning. Join our professionals as they dig deep to navigate the spiritual, emotional, physical & mental growing pains with topics like:
– Love, Lust or Porn
– The Web We Weave
– How Spirituality Helped Me Realize My True Power and it Helped Me To LOVE Again
– Growing Pains With Your Teenager
– Should Your Ex Stay Your Ex?
– and much much more…
So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month bit.ly/intimacytvmagazines
Intimacy TV Magazine March
Since the start 2018 we have been experiencing a lot of transformative energy with the potent Eclipses and as this energy subsided some are starting to feel a little more directed for their individual paths in love and life. For those who are still unsure we would love you to join us as we guide you through this year of transformation!
Change is in the air for IntimacyTV with some magical events, bloggers and professionals joining the family to assist spread their specialities and guidance on all topics taboo.
March features the month of Family & Belonging Month
Join our professionals as the we navigate topics of:
– Surviving Family Drama
– Passion after kids
– Single parenting in style
-Long distance relationships
– Staying sane during the holidays
– and much much more…
So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month bit.ly/intimacytvmagazines
Intimacy TV Magazine February 18
What a fantastic start 2018! We trust you all had a great month of January. February is all about the month of love and we are presenting to you beautifully written articles and special offers:
– Valentines Day Merry Go Round
– Tantric Approach to Valentine’s Day
– What is LOVE? ♥ Let’s Get A Few Things Straight!
-10 Top Tips For Successful Dating
– The Journey To My Inner Masculine
– and much much more…
So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month bit.ly/intimacytvmagazines
Intimacy TV Magazine January 18
As we closed our chapters of 2017 in gratitude, we want to welcome 2018 with such excitement, joy, happiness and success. We hope you have had an amazing X’mas with your family and a great New Year celebration. At IntimacyTV, we have really enjoyed our breaks. Mel travelled to Bali and enjoyed her very well deserved holiday while I celebrated many beautiful memories and moments with my family here in Melbourne.
January brings hopes for so many because it’s our chance to reset the clock, to have another shot at our goals, to kick the bad habits in the butts, let go of negative patterns and most important of all, another chance to live happier and more fulfilled. So we wish you all an incredible 2018, may you go out there and smash some goals, live your dreams, have amazing relationships, mind blowing sex life and the happiest, the most fulfilled and passionate life you can have.
We are privileged to re-introduce to you all our BEST articles of last year:
– Facebook Shaming
– How Schools And Parents Are Failing With Sex Ed
– The Journey Within To Find Your Inner Goddess We All Have
– The Dreaded M Word!
– Hungry Dics Horny Pics & Erotic Stories
So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month bit.ly/intimacytvmagazines
Intimacy TV Magazine December 17
Welcome back to IntimacyTV, the perfect place to have raw conversations and real education.
This month’s theme is Reflection, Celebration, Gratitude Some of the articles that are included in this month’s magazine:
– What It Takes To Turn Your Life Around
– The Modern Trinity: Reflection, Gratitude and Celebration
– Too Grumpy To Feel Grateful?
– Reflections On The Gifts Through Healing From The Darkness Of Toxic ‘Love’ Abuse
– Why The F*ck Would I Want To Celebrate and Be Grateful For A Failed Marriage?
– Roller Coaster Ride from Hell
Intimacy TV Magazine November 17
Welcome back to IntimacyTV, the perfect place to have raw conversations and real education.
This month’s theme is about Failure and Triumph. Some of the articles that are included in this month’s magazine:
-How To Get Him To Listen & Open Up Without Having To Nag
-How To Survive After Losing Your Child
-Self Defence and the True Power Game
-The Fine Line Between Friend/Family and Enabler
-How a Major Break Up & Bankruptcy Helped me Love & Accept Myself
-Forgiveness Is A Gift You Give To Yourself
As December is approaching, we’ll be wrapping things up for 2017 and celebrating our successes as well as setbacks, to have deep gratitude for 2017 journey as well as preparing ourselves for a well deserved break.
Intimacy TV Magazine October 17
Welcome back to IntimacyTV, the perfect place to have raw conversations and real education.
This month’s theme is about Education. We’ll dive into the 4 levels of education, including Physical, Emotional, Sexual and Spiritual. Some of the articles that are included in this month’s magazine:
– 10 top tips for successful dating
– Let’s get it right about sex and pregnancy
– simple tips for positive body image
– Walking the love map as a tantric body worker and guide and many more…
As November & December approaching, we’ll be wrapping things up for 2017 and celebrating our successes as well as setbacks, to have deep gratitude for 2017 journey as well as preparing ourselves for a well deserved break.
Intimacy TV Magazine September 17
Welcome back to IntimacyTV, the perfect place to have raw conversations and real education about love, dating, sex, relationships and anything in between.
This month’s theme is about Manhood and Fatherhood and we have a range of articles including:
– Thoughts about Fatherhood
– Become your kids’ superhero
– Dad & Divorce
– What’s really missing from your seemingly perfect life
– How a Dad shapes his Daughter’s future love life
– The tri-fecta effect: Thriving in life being an Aboriginal, Gay & HIV
October is all about education and we’ll be exploring 4 main educational elements: Mental, Physical, Spiritual & Emotional. So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month.
Intimacy TV Magazine August 17
Welcome back to IntimacyTV, the perfect place to have raw conversations and real education.
This month’s theme is about authenticity and truth and we have a range of articles including:
20 truth bombs about motherhood, Can a relationship survive without sex/intimacy?
Why girls are having rough sex at 12, Tips About Communicating Your Truth In The Bedroom
Why I married myself, sing the Law Of Attraction to Fulfill Your Life Purpose
and many more…
As September approaching, we’ll be celebrating Father’s Day with a variety of articles about fatherhood, health & wellbeing, relationship, sex and dating. So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month.
Intimacy TV Magazine July 17
This July welcomes a new chapter for the financial year and at the same time, celebrating all the progresses, achievements, success as well as failures we have had in the last 12 months. The thing is most people avoid failure at all cost, they rather stay in the comfort zone so that nothing changes. The reality is we are nothing without our downfalls and failures, they are what shape who we are today. Each and every time we fail, we get chance to do it all over again, just better. While success is great to have, it’s the progress that makes us the happiest and most fulfilled.
So our July magazine features different articles on Starting Over – whether it’s in your relationship, health, career, finance or life. Some of the articles for this month include: A Prosperity Plan for the New Financial Year, Why My Life Is Better Now That My Husband is Dead, Starting Over after a Toxic or Abusive Relationship, Telepathic Love, The Art of Being Alone, 5 Tips To Fall Back in Love with Your Post Baby Body and many more. Our August issue will focus on “Authenticity and Truth” so make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month.
Intimacy TV Magazine June 17
Our June issue is an interesting one. After many discussions, we have decided to select “Taboo/The Unspoken” as our theme for the month. It couldn’t be more perfect and suited to the core of our business – where we discuss sensitive and raw topics to provide our readers with real educa- tion. So what do we cover in this months’ magazine? Controversial and hot topics such as Premature Ejaculation, Porn Addiction, Divorce, Dating after Divorce, Bad Dates, 21 Bad Sex Archetypes, Emotional Incest etc.
In July, it will be a “Starting Over” month, from career, health, relationship and life perspective. So make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your in every month here
Intimacy TV Magazine May 17
Can you believe that May is approaching already? Can you believe that we are nearly half way through the year? Wow! Time flies! Nothing signifies the importance of time as parenthood, I (Jane) believe.
At IntimacyTv we believe that all mums deserve the biggest Thank You and for that reason, our May’s magazine is all dedicated to MUMS. With this issue we make sure that there is a variety of topics that are of interest to mums including: Sex & Intimacy after a baby, Decluttering tips for guilt ridden mums, How your marriage can affect your children, Menopause, The art of loving yourself, etc.
We can’t wait for our next cover as we unveil the truths around some of the topics that are considered Taboo including: Infertility, Pre-Ejaculation, Divorce, Male Emasculation etc. so watch out for the next issue.
Intimacy TV Magazine Apr 17
We are celebrating another month of IntimacyTV Magazine with the main focus being Dating & Intimacy. Modern dating can be full of confusion, frustration and at times disappointment. Hence this month we decided to feature our guest expert, Alan Stevens who specialises in face profiling, to give our readers the shortcut to online dating success.
We also have a range of very interesting articles in the space of sex and intimacy including:
- Squirting
- Cunninglingus tips
- Taboo fantasies
- relationship contracts
- Friendzone
We dived deep in taboo sex topics because we believe there need to be more education and openness around them.
Intimacy TV Magazine Mar 2017
This month’s theme is Education, with 4 dimensions:
- Physical (topics such as yoga lifestyle, 200 orgasms for better health, different kissing styles etc.)
- Mental (Concepts of a fit male, Mental depression, The mental side of sex that people don’t know about etc.)
- Emotional (Dealing with mummy’s melt downs, why women leave men they love, why women nag & men shut down)
- Spiritual (Tantra into everyday living, Awaken your intuition, releasing your emotions).
We also feature our guest expert Helene Polydorou, who will be sharing her health journey and business.
TV Magazine Feb 2017
Intimacy TV is excited for the launch its very first magazine issue – In the month of ‘Love’.
This month we focus on four main themes – Love, V-Day, Emotional Past & Mardi Gras.
Statistics show that the weeks coming up to V-Day have the largest number of break-ups and new hook-ups. Hence, in this issue we have a collection of articles ranging from dealing with emotional baggage, how to revive your love life, coping with being single on V-Day, the perfect gifts for V-Day and much much more…
Of course we can’t forget the biggest party of the year with Mardi Gras fast approaching! Here we blow the lid open on being authentic and the New HIV Preventative Drug that has a 99% success rate just like the pill. At Intimacy TV, our promise is to cover hot, sensitive and taboo topics in each issue that people rarely talk about. If there is a topic of interest, please feel free to send us an email to info@sacredpotential.com.
Grab your FREE monthly magazine from IntimacyTV where we cover a range of hot, sensitive and taboo topics of Love, Sex, Dating & Relationships