Grab your FREE Human Design Booklet and learn more today about who YOU really are

I’ve always said it would be great if Babies came with their own HOW TO MANUALS.

What if I said there is such a thing?



Designed for the AUDITORY

For those looking for quick Hints and Tips to identify who YOU are and how YOU operate. This detailed and potent audio  recording covers all the important aspects you need to know about your individual design and the ultimate way to dip your toe in the water!

Great to keep listening to over and over again and will keep you busy for months until you gain the fundamentals.

  • 30 Minute Mp3 Audio Recording YOUR Personalised Human Design Reading
  • Cover 12 aspect points within your design chart

In this package we will cover:

  • Strategy – YOUR personality type

  • Aura – How YOUR energy works around other people

  • Inner Authority – How to make wiser decisions for YOU

  • Open Centers – Unconscious components in YOUR way from life success

  • Defined Centers – Your natural characteristics that YOU can rely on

  • Your Profile – YOUR primary way of being & orientation in life

  • Sexuality/Love – Briefly covers how YOUR language of Love works within intimacy

  • Caring/Fear – Briefly covers what holds YOU back in Life and Love

  • Type – Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector

  • Love Gates – Briefly covers ways in which you love whether that be ‘Through’ (spiritually) another that brings you to a higher place or/and what you think of love ‘With’ another

Start Now
“I have spent decades getting to know who I am, how I operate, how I can live life to the fullest and give from my strengths whilst understanding my weakness. Then Mel does my chart in one night and everything is right there in front of me! If only I could have cut some corners and gotten this valuable information first I would have saved myself a whole heap of time and heart ache! It is uncanny how this tool can simply know you and give depth to where you are headed. Very impressive”
Lisa Collard, Peak Performance Coach
“The combination of TLC reading & drops plus Human Design chart has allowed me to be comfortable being me, to accept myself on a level that is loving & powerful & to live in the questions “What else is possible? How does it get any better than this? “ Love & Light”
Donna Owens, Access Consciousness Practitioner
“I have been thinking about the reading you gave me… I enjoyed it as it really confirmed a few things about me that show up…”
David Coombe


About: Melina Macdonald

Intimacy Educator, Author, Speaker and Practitioner.

Combining unique modalities and personal experience makes Melina stand out in her industry. A 2/4 Generator whose Life Purpose is the Cross of Service (to serve the collective) Melina created her business with the goal to enhance relationships and lower the divorce rate for years to come.

After becoming single following an 11 year marriage Melina decided she wanted to get her own inner sparkle back. Her journey started into the world of self-discovery with adult products and was mortified at the misinformation and sleaziness of the adult industry.

With a focus message of intimacy, communication, trust and respect Melina broke all the rules in the industry by putting a face to the company. Her journey brought her to deep dive study and crewing with all the great minds in psychology and business like Tony Robbins, Dr Demartini and T.Harv Eker and then continued into the world of Tantra, facilitating work within Eros dancing, speed dating and eroticism. Her secret sauce is combining all her knowledge in the business world, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), intimacy, geometric science of Human Design and The Gene Keys and the alchemy of The Liquid Crystals.

Using her Human Designs strengths Melina is now the leading Intimate Lifestyle Educator in Australia and a guest speaker at various intimacy and women’s events in Australia.