We believe that a woman’s spark comes from Top to Toe, Inside and Out.

It shouldn’t be looked at as only one component but as a full holistic view.

Now I need to ask you ladies, have you ever felt at that time of the month that you are morphing into half werewolf half vampire?

Well I do.

A few years ago I came across this incredible range of products at a girlfriends house when I was in full morph stage. My friend came and rubbed some cream on my temples and wrists and casually walked away. Not even ten minutes later I was calm, and my fangs had retreated. I had to know “what the hell did you rub on me?”

It turned out to be the Balancing Cream by Modere and balance me it did!

After this personal experience and researching this brand I discovered they had a range specifically designed for women still in their reproductive years helping to maintain the female hormonal system and a range for those going through transition years to provide temporary relief from the physical system and maintain healthy bone density.

These products were not full of fillers, phthalates, and toxins, were BPA free and this company avoided over 3,000 scientifically dubious ingredients that we find in our everyday supermarkets and even in our health food shops. Best of all they worked! My mum will testify to that after using Transitions.

I had heard that it takes 3 seconds for anything we put on our skin to enter our bloodstream but I had no idea that our skincare, haircare and cleaning products could be what was keeping us modern women fat!

So I did the switch… went toxic free in my house

I got the better health results

My family did the switch

They all got the better health results

So under the true tradition after we tested and trialed its products and services recommended, I am honored to share Modere with you. A company with over 25 years of ethical, sustainable, proven, trusted formulas to help you and your family improve your everyday life. Designed for the Modern shopper who likes to shop from home with speedy delivery.

Modere… safer for you, your family, your home and our planet.

Get Started NOW