The Liquid Crystals (TLC)
You want a short cut to get to your goal/purpose?
Looking for a short cut in Career, Love, Family or your Spiritual Journey?
You’ve held a crystal, worn a crystal or even placed one next to your bed to have it assist you with its healing abilities. I’m all about short cuts so why not amplify the process 100 times more with LIQUID CRYSTALS!
The Liquid Crystals (TLC) is based on the Tree of Life and Kaballah. It is a organic, natural and holistic geometric vibrational therapy/remedy created form the earths minerals, metals and crystals.
This process will balance you
- Emotionally and Mentally
- You will gain Spiritual attainment
- And increase Physical health imbalances
TLC will not impact any other medications you are taking and can travel safely through x-ray machines unlike homeopathic remedies with no side effects. In fact these are soo safe you can assist kids, animals and plants.
All that is needed is
- Name on your birth certificate
- Date of Birth
- Place of birth
and leave the rest to us to tell you your Personal Trinity showing Life’s Purpose and whats getting in your way (shadow).
With living life you have experiences
- You grow
- You learn
- You love
- You experience pain
“Reality is healing is a never ending journey”
So how do you heal it fast?
Reality is you need to work with your thoughts and feelings to heal.
With looking at your TLC chart we can determine the fastest route to your goal. We look at the depth of the issue, where you have already journeyed so far in this life and where you are heading.
With your information we look at your name trinity and current life path and assess where you need to start working.
With The Liquid Crystals we look at
- Your Life Purpose reading
- Your Life Path Reading
- Weekly Mission
- Traits to be overcome
- Attributes to obtain
- Other possible attainments
- Work with the Chakra System
Liquid Crystals Remedies are used to;
- Integrate your Trinity name purpose into your body
- Prescribe single dose crystals to work with a specific issue
- Offer a Health range
- Family Help range
- Allergy
- Communication
- Menstruation & Menses
- Digestive Help
- Deep Sleep Help
- Energize
- Fertility & Sensuality
- Starchild assistance and much more…

This package includes;
- Your Name Card Trinity Life Purpose Reading
- Life Path Reading
- 30min phone or Zoom consultation
- Trinity Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
- Trinity Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Your Trinity Cards reveal
- Healing Properties with both the Mental and Emotional aspects
- Spiritual Influences
- Possible Physical affects
Your Life Path Reading reveals
- Explanation of areas mastered
- We look at areas of struggle
- Where you are currently at on your chart
- 7 Crystals you can currently work with and their meaning

NAME TRINITY 10ml bottles
$85 AUD
This package includes;
- Trinity Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
- 3 x 10ml bottles for a 28 days cycle
Your Trinity Cards reveal
- Healing Properties with both the Mental and Emotional aspects
- Spiritual Influences
- Possible Physical affects

$40 AUD
This remedy is to Balance and Aligns the entire chakra system and its energy bodies.
Includes one 20ml Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
This is perfect for;
- Healers
- Empaths
- Counsellors, Coaches, Mentors & Guides
- Massage, Reiki, Seichem, Access Bars & Energy practitioners
- Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Crystals Included:
1) Gold – Balances and clears negativity from the chakras and bodies. Opens the Third Eye and Crown for Guidance. Removes stress and tension. Is a master healer bringing healing to all situations and levels.
2) Kyanite – Balances aligns and clears the chakras and Energy bodies. Anchors high frequency energies into the body. Stimulates the Acupuncture points clearing blocks.
3) Selenite – Higher Chakra activator. High light force into the body. Powerfully aligns to guidance in spirit. Opens and clears the Energy bodies. Remove and Protects from attack thoughts. Aids Telepathic link.
4) Bloodstone – Balances and Heals the Chakra system with the Green Ray Energy. Stone of Purification and revitalization on all levels.
5) Lodestone – Aligns all energy centers, bodies and meridians. Increases Vitality. Nurtures the Physical Body. Balances the Male and Female parts of self.
6) Sunstone – Transforms all that is not in harmony with the laws of light. Increases Vitality, enthusiasm, optimism and confidence a lack of which causes lowered balance, alignment and clarity.
7) Turquoise -Protective. Clarity in Communication. Strengthens all energy pathways and infuses a healing energy allowing awareness to the source of the disease, leading to a complete, permanent cure.

DEEP SLEEP 20ml Bottle
$40 AUD
This remedy induces Deep Sleep, aids in Dream Memory and removes Mind chatter.
Includes one 20ml Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
This is perfect for;
- Insomniacs
- Anxiety suffers
- High pressure workers
- Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Crystals Included:
1) Howlite – Calms and Soothes the Emotional and Physical Body, Keystone in the treatment of Insomnia, Astral Projection.
2) Amethyst – Protection during Sleep, Facilitates Memory of dreams, calming, Induces a Calm Meditative space.
3) Charoite – Induces Deep Sleep, Treats Insomnia, Removes Fears of the Sleep state at the conscious and subconscious levels of the self Induces Sleep in Children.
4) Botswana Agate – Oxygenation, Grounding, Frees the mind of set behaviours.
5) Apophylite – Induces Dreams and the remembering of them. Facilitates Astral Projection and removes the fears of it.
6) Fluorite – Calms the Mind to Sleep and Rest. Removes Mental Disorganization bringing peace.
7) Hematite – Active Hematite Shield for Protection, Security and Grounding.

EMERGENCY 20ml Bottle
$40 AUD
This remedy treats all manner of shock, pain and trauma. Perfect to take on a day of surgery to assist the body. It Calms, Cools and Heals.
Includes one 20ml Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
This is perfect for;
- Those going into Surgery
- Extreme Anxiety
- Accident suffers
- Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Crystals Included:
1) Botswana Agate – Oxygenation, Breath, Perception and looking forward to a solution. Revitalizing
2) Hematite – Shock, Grounding, Body alignment, Any blood and bleeding.
3) Pearl – Trauma, Shock, Takes Emotional disorder and creates balance, Mothering, Calming, Peaceful, Alignment to guidance, Insures the learning of the lesson.
4) Dioptase – Heart stone cures all, Pain relief, Shock, Fear Removal.
5) Rhodonite – Patience, Panic, Grounding and Centering, Unconditional Love.
6) Turquoise – Calm, Peace, Cooling, Panic, Healing Tonic, Guidance.
7) Ruby – Instill s Courage. Allows Revitalization and is Stabilizing and Protective. Cools and Calms.

ENERGIZE 20ml Bottle
$40 AUD
This remedy Increases Vitality, Motivates, gives Radiance and corrects Exhaustion.
Includes one 20ml Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
This is perfect for;
- Need a quick Pick Me Up
- Looking for Motivation
- Exhausted
- Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Crystals Included:
1) Topaz – Creativity, Inner-strength, Willpower, Anti-depressive, Body Battery.
2) Sunstone – Increases Vitality and life Force. Instills Optimism. Corrects Exhaustion. Anchors the Suns energy into the body.
3) Sulphur – Gives Radiance. Increases life Force and Willpower. Creates Up and Go attitude. Increases Body Fire and Gives an Inner Glow.
4) Gold – Optimism. The Power To Do. Revitalizing and Regenerating. Anchors Masculine Power in action-DO.
5) Charoite – Removes the fears of the Heart and Third Eye that are the seeds of Lowered life force. Removes Laziness and Indolence. Places one in the now. Increases spontaneity and drive. Encourages Individuality.
6) Diamond – Symbol of the Great central Sun, Source of all Light. The organic anchoring of Light and Energy, Protective of Energy removal.
7) Bloodstone – Vitality, Link to the earth and Base energies. Increases Empowerment and Vitality.

CYCLES 20ml Bottle
$40 AUD
This remedy is great for both men and women stuck in Life Patterns. Balancing and healing remedy for all types of female reproductive issues.
Includes one 20ml Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
This is perfect for;
- Female Reproductive issues
- Menopause
- Potent remedy to work with depression
- Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Crystals Included:
1) Blue lace Agate – Calming and Cooling to heated red energies and their accompanying thoughts and emotions. Stone of Peaceful expression.
2) Boji Stone – Clears, aligns and balances all the energy bodies, chakras and meridians. Balances the Feminine and Masculine polarities of self. Integrates and Grounds the mothering of the earth.
3) Chrysocolla – Most Feminine of all stones. Treats all female reproductive issues. Tonic for all phases of womanhood and a powerful hormone balancer.
4) Crocoite – Enhances and stimulates sexuality with understanding. Aids the movement from one state to another. Increases Fertility. Balances hormone levels.
5) Moonstone – Balances and heals the Emotional by placing them under the control of the high self. Aids in embracing the cycles of life. Stone of Goddess integration and feminine self embrace. Balances the Hormones and Increases all aspects of Mothering.
6) Pearl – Stone of Mothering, Peace and Purity. Carries one, from the animalistic to the most spiritual levels of self, then aids in staying there. Aligns one to the cycles of the moon, the lunar energies.
7) Peridot – Removes Stress and Tiredness. Bringer of Joy. Regenerating to the body. Opens and Cleanses the Heart and Solar Plexus. Teaches Patience. Allows one to understand life changes. Regulates life’s cycles on all levels.

STARCHILD 20ml Bottle
$40 AUD
This remedy focus is to Anchor and Heal the new Children of Light.
Includes one 20ml Remedy Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
This is perfect for;
- Perfect for those born after 2012
- Assists all children to adjust to the earth plane
- Overcome fear, spiritual change and very grounding
- Liquid Crystals (shipping within Australia. International Rates will apply)
Crystals Included:
1) Moldavite – Assists Star children to adjust to the earth plane. Allows expanded consciousness into physical brain structure. Via Communication releases the home sickness of starry ones. Allows acceptance of the Earth plane to create a new reality.
2) Sugilite – Embrace of Divine Purpose, lets us know why we came to earth. Creates a space of adjustment to learn how to embrace the physical. Carries and protects the inner child into adulthood. Relieves Depression and Confusion.
3) Charoite – Transforms, overcomes Fear and allows acceptance of spiritual change. Allows manifestation via the spirit through the heart. Balances Heart and Crown.
4) Hematite – Powerful Grounding, Anchors the light bodies to the physical via the earth star, bringing the spirit into the body. Decreases emotional intensity balancing moods. Encourages Action not Reaction.
5) Lepidolite – Blends, balances Heart and Mind. Delivers higher awareness. Has a strong balancing effect on brain function via its lithium content. Anti-depressive.
6) Kyanite – Clears, Balances and aligns. Aids clear and calm communication. Its Energy adjusts Newborns to the lower brain wave frequencies of the physical.
7) Labradorite – Moldavites anchor stone on earth. Carries the seeds of the concepts and advanced energies needed by star children to complete their mission. Allows the realisation of the Joy of Freewill in Manifestation. Regulates Metabolism and Brain function. Aids E.T communication.
Payments can be made to
With your
- NAME as per your Birth Certificate
- DATE of birth (DD/MM/YY)
- PLACE of birth (City and closest major city)
- TIME of birth (There are ways to determine this information so please email first with all your information you have)
Email information when paid to
You will receive your reading often within about 1 week depending on my workload with Personal Sessions.
For those who desire an even deeper reading and further coaching please contact me direct.
“Gorgeous Mel What a perfect day to get your message. Today was “purpose” crystal for me. I put the intention of my purpose out there. I have been struggling with recent challenges of other work and not getting to my purpose. Today I unconsciously picked up a poem that drew me in which I completed a year ago towards my “purpose” and I typed it up and added in the new last verse. The poem is ready to go into my book. I feel that the crystals have amplified what needs to come into fruition. Initially, I noticed I had to deal with a lot of anger rage that needed to be dealt with. Its calmed the farm now. Thank you Mel for being that medium to bring a new solution to get me through the underlying “stuff” in my life. Thank you so much for the love and support you have devoted to me through the process”.

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Learn more about Melina Macdonald
About: Melina Macdonald
Intimacy Educator, Author, Speaker and Practitioner.
Combining unique modalities and personal experience makes Melina stand out in her industry. A 2/4 Generator whose Life Purpose is the Cross of Service (to serve the collective) Melina created her business with the goal to enhance relationships and lower the divorce rate for years to come.
After becoming single following an 11 year marriage Melina decided she wanted to get her own inner sparkle back. Her journey started into the world of self-discovery with adult products and was mortified at the misinformation and sleaziness of the adult industry.
With a focus message of intimacy, communication, trust and respect Melina broke all the rules in the industry by putting a face to the company. Her journey brought her to deep dive study and crewing with all the great minds in psychology and business like Tony Robbins, Dr Demartini and T.Harv Eker and then continued into the world of Tantra, facilitating work within Eros dancing, speed dating and eroticism. Her secret sauce is combining all her knowledge in the business world, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), intimacy, geometric science of Human Design and The Gene Keys and the alchemy of The Liquid Crystals.
Using her Human Designs strengths Melina is now the leading Intimate Lifestyle Educator in Australia and a guest speaker at various intimacy and women’s events in Australia.