Monthly Archives: September 2018


Secrets of What Men Crave

Women are writing hundreds of articles and calling out to Men of what they want them to be Warriors To Be Present Bold Fearless in ways they have never been Yet we rarely talk about what Men Crave. So here is the plea to Women of what Men Crave and John explains each point below [...]

16 Dating Survival Tips

16 Tips For Men To Make It To Their Second Date! Men your sitting asking yourself why you can never get to that eluded second date? You seem to always have a one strike rate and then that’s it. She disappears and you never see her again. You believe you’re a great guy, your mates [...]

By |2018-09-09T11:00:53+00:00September 9th, 2018|Dating, Intimacy Magazine, Magazine, September 18|0 Comments

9 Tips on Male Vulnerability

The Oxford Dictionary defines vulnerability as “The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.” Indeed, “vulnerability” sounds very scary. Layer on top, societal pressures on men to be seen as stoic, infallible, seemingly invincible, a pillar of strength—particularly in front of women—and it becomes [...]

By |2018-09-09T11:00:47+00:00September 9th, 2018|Current magazine, Intimacy Magazine, RELATIONSHIP, September 18|0 Comments

Ways To A Man's Heart

Remember that song by American comedy troupe The Lonely Island, featuring singer Justin Timberlake, ‘Dick In A Box’?  It debuted on the show Saturday Night Live in 2006. I was in my late twenties and didn’t really understand the humour.  I hadn’t experienced what it was like for a man wanting to stick his dick into [...]

10 Tips to Avoid Suicide

LETS TALK SUICIDE! I’m surrounded by suicide. My Brother & Grandfather suicided, my Dad and Myself have attempted it and I have a string of other people in my life who are dead. Did you know Suicide in Australia has hit some all time highs in the last few years? With World Suicide Prevention Day [...]

Vital Calls for Survival

GET ON THE PHONE AND CALL YOUR MATES NOW!!!   Men bottle things up. Alcohol and drugs are used to mask how they really feel. As males we were taught to be tough and not discuss our problems from a young age from influences at home and at school. If you were a boy at [...]

Tips to Master Edging

Orgasm Denial 101   Reposted and written by littlemisssubshine: Disclaimer: This was originally written for my husband to understand what orgasm denial is, and all the things he needed to know to participate in my own denial. Thus it’s written for a man, from a woman. I’ll try to cover some things for you men [...]