Monthly Archives: July 2018


Online Dating: How To Cut Through The Bullshit & Go From Match to First Meet.

As working single parents with dependent children, dating is put way back in our minds.  It’s something considered to be an unnecessary extra project. With our already busy schedules and routines, we think, how in the hell can we fit in the time to swipe, match and text, let alone meet new people. However, it’s [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:47+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Dating, Pre Pre Magazine, RELATIONSHIP|0 Comments

Straight Talk with Melina

Q: WTF is going on with men these days?? So, a guy I gave a chance to text for three weeks did all the right moves (just tooooooo fucking long). He asked me out, he asked for my number. He got me off the dating app. Then... he fucked up... I know you think I’m [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:47+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Intimacy Magazine, INTIMACY/SEX, Pre Pre Magazine|0 Comments

What Women Really Want

So what do women really want in a man? Is it the size of his bank balance? The perfect body and looks? How popular he is? Or how funny? Or being the centre of attention? These things have attraction at a certain level, but they are not what quality women find MOST attractive in a man. [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:37+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Intimacy Magazine, Pre Pre Magazine, RELATIONSHIP|0 Comments

Crappy at Starting Conversations

My 11 year old son said to me this morning, “Mum,  I'm not good at starting conversations”.   (That was hard for me to hear, considering he had spent 12 months in my confidence drama class  that included helping you find your voice, being confident in using it and how to talk with others! Oh [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:33+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Intimacy Magazine, Pre Pre Magazine, WELLBEING|0 Comments

10 Myths & Facts about Your Orgasm

As we reach Orgasm Day celebrated on the 31st July I reflected on the number of studies proving the physical, emotional, physiological and even societal benefits of sex and orgasms which just keep on growing. Nowadays it’s no secret that sex is an affective calorie burner or that orgasms can do wonders for your health. [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:24+00:00July 2nd, 2018|INTIMACY/SEX|0 Comments

Masculine versus Feminine

Today, any talk of “masculine and feminine” invariably attracts a bombardment of heated discussion about “outdated gender roles” or “toxic masculinity”. As an outcome of third and fourth wave feminist movements, there’s much pressure to nullify any associations that can be attributed to gender, and as a result it’s basically become taboo to talk about [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:16+00:00July 2nd, 2018|RELATIONSHIP|0 Comments

Yoni Massage Will Change Your Life

What if I told you a simple massage could change your life? That a practice exists that could boost your confidence, enhance your relationships and release your inner goddess, just by learning and practicing a few basic techniques. I’d like to share with you the power of Yoni massage and why you should make it [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:12+00:00July 2nd, 2018|INTIMACY/SEX|0 Comments