love yourself

/Tag: love yourself

Growing Pains With Your Teenager

Living with a teenager at the best of times is never an easy task. Their hormones are raging; they are constantly being triggered, they are trying to conform and find their power and are constantly feeling judged by their peers, family and other kids. They feel afraid, misinterpreted, isolated and sometimes out of control as [...]

By |2018-03-27T17:21:41+00:00March 27th, 2018|FAMILY, Spirituality|Comments Off on Growing Pains With Your Teenager

What is LOVE? ♥… Let's Get A Few Things Straight!

Last Valentines Day I shared this pic of me and my best friend Zoe on FB. Zoe’s beautiful mum took the pic. We were out celebrating her 32nd Birthday and when we saw it we ‘cracked up’! “OMG Look how In LOVE we are?!!!” I must admit there was a big moment of hesitation before [...]

By |2018-01-30T20:04:55+00:00January 30th, 2018|RELATIONSHIP|0 Comments

Why New Year's Resolutions Are a Waste of Time

It's January, and that means another New Year's Eve has come and gone. By my reckoning, I could throw a stone and hit someone who's already given up on their resolution. You and I are surrounded by people who are desperately trying to keep it up, or who didn't give it a second thought once [...]

By |2017-12-31T20:00:43+00:00December 31st, 2017|WELLBEING|0 Comments

The Modern Trinity: Reflection, Gratitude and Celebration

When I was given the topic for this article, of these three words, I wondered: what do they have to do with each other? Nothing! I thought, I’ll just focus on celebration, that’s much more me. But then it occurred to me that celebration is the end stage of the process and to have something [...]

By |2017-11-28T08:00:08+00:00November 28th, 2017|WELLBEING|0 Comments

What It Takes To Turn Your Life Around

Have you ever wondered how those who have experienced such grave amounts of hardship and trauma in their lives break the cycle and become successful beings? If you were with me at the start of the year, you would have found me in my 2 bedroom never renovated apartment in Sydney's south that I had [...]

By |2017-11-07T18:30:06+00:00November 7th, 2017|WELLBEING|0 Comments

In Order To Change The World You Must Accept That You'll Be Crucified

As you may know... people fear public speaking more than death itself. but why is that? Well because in our mind we associate public speaking with death.. but not only death... being shamed, stoned and beaten to death by everybody we love. Sounds kinda drastic? Sure... but it's true. Back in medieval times if you didn't follow along the [...]

By |2017-07-24T08:00:42+00:00July 24th, 2017|August17, WELLBEING|0 Comments

Using the Law Of Attraction to Fulfill Your Life Purpose

What if manifestation isn't an active process of creation, but rather a process of aligning you to your highest creative path. For the past 6 months, this idea has been floating around in my consciousness - inviting me to explore this concept more. Then suddenly, in a wonderfully synchronistic moment, I found myself drawn to watch [...]

By |2017-07-20T08:00:02+00:00July 20th, 2017|August17, Spirituality, WELLBEING|0 Comments

Authentic Version of You

Name/nickname: Angela (Ange) Country & City: Pert Australia Age: 40 Gender: Female Profession: Business Owner What did you come out as (gay, bi, transgendered, use any terms you like here)? Queer How old were you when you first realized your identity? I knew I was different around 12, but pushed it down and ignored it [...]

By |2017-04-17T18:27:00+00:00April 17th, 2017|Magazine, WELLBEING|0 Comments