
/Tag: wellbeing

Tips to beat the relocation blues

Starting over in a new country takes a lot of heart and guts. But if you’ve done it, and if you’re in Australia, you’re in for a treat!! Congrats on that, by the way! You’ve been so brave making a huge decision to leave your home land, and then to pick a new country, and [...]

By |2018-08-01T11:00:56+00:00August 1st, 2018|August 18, FAMILY, Intimacy Magazine, Previous Magazine|0 Comments

Crappy at Starting Conversations

My 11 year old son said to me this morning, “Mum,  I'm not good at starting conversations”.   (That was hard for me to hear, considering he had spent 12 months in my confidence drama class  that included helping you find your voice, being confident in using it and how to talk with others! Oh [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:00:33+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Intimacy Magazine, Pre Pre Magazine, WELLBEING|0 Comments

How to get what you WANT when you feel you don’t have enough…

You know it! There never seems to be enough money, time, support, space, freedom, (insert just about anything here) to do and have what we want in the world at the moment. Everything is so busy and full and it feels like what are constantly chasing our tails to get on top of it. Technology [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:35+00:00June 4th, 2018|WELLBEING|0 Comments

7 Tips of a Self-Confessed 'Bully'

When I was in primary school, we had an ethnic boy who was really ‘disruptive’- which is one of the words frequently used back then to describe children such as he. He was naughty, and seemed to be of limited vocabulary which consisted mostly of the word 'caca', and he did all sorts of things [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:06+00:00June 4th, 2018|FAMILY, WELLBEING|0 Comments

Love a good bitch

Whilst sitting at a friend’s house participating in a Skype call with her 19 year old daughter who lives and studies in Auckland, the conversation of her teenage friend came up. “You’ll never believe what Marnie is up to, Mum!” the daughter exclaimed. “She’s 6 months pregnant and huge!” Marnie and the daughter had been [...]

By |2018-04-30T18:24:26+00:00April 30th, 2018|WELLBEING|0 Comments

Letting Go

  Why is it so hard to ‘let go' of what other people have said? If you’re anything like me, you set yourself great affirmations to move forward and be the version of yourself that you want to be but no matter how long you spend getting a positive attitude. . Bam! The crappy thing [...]

By |2018-04-03T18:25:48+00:00April 3rd, 2018|WELLBEING|0 Comments

Out Of The Mouth Of Babes

Growth happens in tiny little steps, imperceptible to the eye, or in one or two massive stages that blow your world apart, to be rebuilt or adjusted to. Glacial pace or like lightning, it’s about stimulating and feeding life, moving forward and providing new opportunities for further growth. I recently witnessed something which really resonated [...]

By |2018-04-02T19:11:15+00:00April 2nd, 2018|INSPIRATION|0 Comments

How Spirituality Helped Me Realize My True Power and it Helped Me To LOVE Again

My journey around spirituality has been all over the place to say the least.  In my childhood I was raised Catholic...  "forced" by my parents to go through school and be confirmed.  Although as a child I suppose I could have rebelled.  I always thought that religion seemed a bit off to me or perhaps [...]

By |2018-04-02T18:49:39+00:00April 2nd, 2018|INSPIRATION, Spirituality, WELLBEING|0 Comments

A Compromised but Resilient Generation; When Opportunity, Education and Abundance is not Enough

  As caring parents our purpose is to provide the love, environment, and structure necessary to support the healthy upbringing of the children we bring to the world, thus giving them a strong foundation and fair chance at life.  Sometimes we think that providing all the economic advantages available is the gateway to a successful [...]

By |2018-03-02T20:54:28+00:00March 2nd, 2018|FAMILY|0 Comments

How To Restore Your Sanity Before The Kids Move Out

I looked at the title as I sat to write this article and realised for many a restoration of sanity could be a step too far.  The ability to restore our sanity comes because we’ve preserved our sanity in the hardships, in the chaos, in the darkest hours that come when we are on this [...]

By |2018-03-01T17:36:51+00:00March 1st, 2018|WELLBEING|0 Comments