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Intimacy TV is excited for the launch its very first magazine issue – In the month of ‘Love’. This month we focus on four main themes – Love, V-Day, Emotional Past & Mardi Gras. Statistics show that the weeks coming up to V-Day have the largest number of break-ups and new hook-ups. Hence, in this issue we have a collection of articles ranging from dealing with emotional baggage, how to revive your love life, coping with being single on V-Day, the perfect gifts for V-Day and much much more… Of course we can’t forget the biggest party of the year with Mardi Gras fast approaching! Here we blow the lid open on being authentic and the New HIV Preventative Drug that has a 99% success rate just like the pill. At Intimacy TV, our promise is to cover hot, sensitive and taboo topics in each issue that people rarely talk about. If there is a topic of interest, please feel free to send us an email to