Monthly Archives: June 2018


Goal Setting for Easier Success and Less Stress!

I actually don’t like “goal setting” and here’s why.  I’m an A-Type personality and I see this a lot in many other entrepreneurs and business people; when there is a goal set with a timeframe (as the process tells you to do), people tend to push beyond what’s necessary to achieve it by a given [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:45+00:00June 4th, 2018|INSPIRATION, WELLBEING|0 Comments

Don’t Be Anal About Anal: How To Prepare For Anal Sex!

Anal sex! Such a taboo topic! Though, as a waxing technician, the anal area is treated with precious care. “Please turn to your side and hold your cheek up high, while I slide warm wax to your butthole.” It’s just another day at the office for me. In these positions, anal sex comes up in [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:43+00:00June 4th, 2018|INTIMACY/SEX, WELLBEING|0 Comments

How to get what you WANT when you feel you don’t have enough…

You know it! There never seems to be enough money, time, support, space, freedom, (insert just about anything here) to do and have what we want in the world at the moment. Everything is so busy and full and it feels like what are constantly chasing our tails to get on top of it. Technology [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:35+00:00June 4th, 2018|WELLBEING|0 Comments

How to Change the Dry Spell in the Bedroom

Whether you’ve been in your relationship for a year or for 50 years, you’ve probably at one point or another, experienced a low libido, decreased desire or even a dry spell in the bedroom. Human arousal is a fragile thing that ebbs and flows, regardless of how much we want to have hot sex every [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:29+00:00June 4th, 2018|INTIMACY/SEX, RELATIONSHIP, WELLBEING|0 Comments


Learn to know the difference and thrive. Narcissists have been getting a misunderstood bad rep. They have been confused with what I call power-driven Arsessists. The definition of Narcissism is… “the pursuit of personal gratification from vanity or personal egotistic admiration of one's own attributes”. The term originated from Greek mythology, where Narcissus, a young man so proud of [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:25+00:00June 4th, 2018|WELLBEING|0 Comments

Guide to Butt Stuff: Anal in 8 Steps

People...I like buggery. I like the word, I love the act. Taking it up the butt is one of the most enjoyable acts consenting adults can engage in. But, ONLY if you’re doing it properly. The thing with anal is, for as much as it is enjoyable, it can be equally as horrifying or traumatic [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:23+00:00June 4th, 2018|INTIMACY/SEX|0 Comments


"In Australia, 1 in 12 girls are sexually abused before they are six years old."   A recent interview about CONSENT (in response to Saxon Mullins' 4Corners program) has caused outrage all over social media and media networks in Australia. The trolling has got soo out-of-hand that the ABC had to take down the full [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:12+00:00June 4th, 2018|Current magazine, FAMILY|0 Comments

7 Tips of a Self-Confessed 'Bully'

When I was in primary school, we had an ethnic boy who was really ‘disruptive’- which is one of the words frequently used back then to describe children such as he. He was naughty, and seemed to be of limited vocabulary which consisted mostly of the word 'caca', and he did all sorts of things [...]

By |2018-06-04T06:00:06+00:00June 4th, 2018|FAMILY, WELLBEING|0 Comments