“Dating in the modern world can be something of a minefield”
With online dating agencies, speed dating and phone apps enabling instant hook ups, there is a huge range of options available for you to meet your ‘mate’. But achieving a long lasting relationship with the right person is a lot more difficult. Going armed with a massive checklist isn’t always the best option.
Join MELINA MACDONALD as she gives you some quick hints and tips about the 10 different kinds of guys that we date.
He she will cover; what each of the archetypes are like as a person what they are like in bed who the perfect woman is and how they like to be dumped.
These tips will not only change your dating life it will assist you on being just one date away from meeting your Mr Right!

1.Mr. Passionate AKA The best sex of your life!

2. Mr.Unavailable AKA  Low on the love connection meter, Yet simply uncomplicated.

3. Mr.Nostalgia AKA Stuck in the past

4. Mr.High IQ = Low EQ AKA Why smart men suck in bed

5. Mr.Perceived Perfect AKA He ticks all the boxes on your checklist


6. Mr. Infatuated AKA The stage 5 Clinger

7. Mr Sexual Conqueror AKA The Bad boy

8. Mr Comedian AKA The Class Clown

9. Mr. Serial Monogamist AKA The Ultimate Love Addict

10. Mr. Dreamer AKA The Life Lesson Teacher





Melina Macdonald
Intimacy & Adult Product Lifestyle Educator, Author, Speaker Dating & Sex, Love & Intimacy Expert
With a focus message of intimacy, communication, trust and respect, Melina created this business with the goal to enhance relationships and lower the divorce rate for years to come. A Her becoming single a Her 11 years of marriage Melina decided she wanted to get her own inner sparkle back. Her journey started into the world of self-discovery and adult products and was mortified at the misinformation and sleaziness of the adult industry. Breaking all the rules in the industry by putting a face to the company Melina is now the leading Intimate Lifestyle Educator in Australia today speaking as a guest speaker at various women’s events.
Melina has created Australia’s first complete boxset of ‘Intimacy’ products providing a full sensory experience. To complete the experience, Taboo Intimacy assists you with scenarios, education and play cards to keep the joy happening.
Melina operates the front end of the business direct to the public and has recently opened a new Wholesale division with her own branding of Intimacy products for Hotel Minibars.
Melina also runs workshops and online program to educate women on the topics of love, sex, relationship & intimacy. Melina is author of the soon to be released book “Win the Dating Game”. She has authored the More Romance = New Profit book targeted at her Taboo Intimacy Wholesalers available for free download on her website.
W: www.sacredpotential.com 
W: www.taboointimacy.com
W: www.loveandindulgence.com.au
F:  www.facebook.com/mel.macdonald.3
PF: www.facebook.com/groups/intimacytv/

