This July welcomes a new chapter for the financial year and at the same time, celebrating all the progresses, achievements, success as well as failures we have had in the last 12 months. The thing is most people avoid failure at all cost, they rather stay in the comfort zone so that nothing changes. The reality is we are nothing without our downfalls and failures, they are what shape who we are today. Each and everytime we fail, we get chance to do it all over again, just better. While success is great to have, it’s the progress that makes us the happiest and most fulfilled.
So our July magazine features different articles on Starting Over – whether it’s in your relationship, health, career, finance or life. Some of the articles for this month include: A Prosperity Plan for the New Financial Year, Why My Life Is Better Now That My Husband is Dead, Starting Over after a Toxic or Abusive Relationship, Telepathic Love, The Art of Being Alone, 5 Tips To Fall Back in Love with Your Post Baby Body and many more. Our August issue will focus on “Authenticity and Truth” so make sure you register to have our magazine delivered straight to your inbox every month.

You can check our previous magazine issues HERE