Can you believe that May is approaching already? Can you believe that we are nearly half way through the year? Wow! Time flies! Nothing signifies the importance of time as parenthood, I (Jane) believe.
At IntimacyTv we believe that all mums deserve the biggest Thank You and for that reason, our May’s magazine is all dedicated to MUMS. With this issue we make sure that there is a variety of topics that are of interest to mums including: Sex & Intimacy after a baby, Decluttering tips for guilt ridden mums, How your marriage can affect your children, Menopause, The art of loving yourself, etc.
We can’t wait for our next cover as we unveil the truths around some of the topics that are considered Taboo including: Infertility, Pre-Ejaculation, Divorce, Male Emasculation etc. so watch out for the next issue.
Grab a free copy now!

You can check our previous magazine issues HERE